Monday, August 1, 2011

Album Review: Degradation - The Juggernaut

Degradation’s album, “Juggernaut” comes out with a bang, full of ripping guitar riffs that demand your attention with fast-paced drums, growling vocals, and blood boiling speed. The band tends to sound like a curious blend of Lamb of God, Slayer, and even Metallica on occasion. Degredation has produced the best old skool metal I’ve heard so far this year, and are sure to bring the mosh pits out when performing live. They definitely deserve a good listen from old skool metal fans everywhere.  Especially for the low price their album is on Amazon’s site.

Here’s my thoughts on each track, as well as a sample of each track. feel free to listen for yourself:

Samples of each track:

“A Necessary Evil”

great opening to a great album. With a  Lamb of God sound to the guitar, and Slayer-sounding vocals. The song is  Brutal, fast, and full of headbanging awesomeness. with a chorus that got my blood flowing.


The album’s title track is very reminiscent of old Metallica in the chorus, and as a result instantly became one of my favorite tracks on the album.

“The Reckoning”

Another “guitar demanding” track. Occasional breaks in the track bring a lot of contrast to the song.

“…The band tends to sound like
a curious blend of Lamb of God,
Slayer, and even Metallica on occasion.”


“Rise to Fall”

Opening with drums, progresses into a cool guitar riff.  Vocals match the previous fairly well, and the chorus has some lyrics that boiled my blood. I was ready to take on the world after this one.

“Trail of Sin”

The chorus touches a slight touch of harmony, guitar solo has harmonics, with a bridge full of hammer-ons, breaking back into a verse.

“Executioner…Slayer of the Night”

another very slayer-esque track. The repetitive chorus gets thoroughly jammed in your head, but when metal is this good, who cares?  Has quite possibly the craziest solo on the album, and that’s saying something.

“Degradation definitely deserves a
good listen from metal fans everywhere.
Especially for the low price their
album is on Amazon’s site.”



Guitar riffs that demand your attention. More slayer-esque vocals. Yet another high-energy chorus.  They proudly announce who they are, and will likely open with this live.

“Thrill of the Kill”

Opens with a tweak to their sound by adjusting the vocals. the breakup comes just in time, and proves the band has more than one sound, and has some depth to them. The vocals progress up in intensity ever-so-slightly, all the way to the explosion of chorus.
All in all, I’d have to say my favorite songs are Executioner…Slayer of the Night, Juggernaut, and Degredation.

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